Exciting News! We’re please to announce the acquisition of James VanMetter and Associates, a Westchester County firm specializing in wealth management. We’re excited to continue expanding our market presence and services in the tri-state area.


What is a Trivium Point Advisor?

A strategic partner that aligns with your business to unlock potential, work on existing roadblocks, or co-create a future.

When is the right time to partner with a Trivium Point Advisor?

When you feel you need a sounding boarding, structure or strategy. Sometimes it’s all three.

Are there common characteristics an owner has when they engage you?

Someone who leads with decision making through emotion and not finance.

How are businesses leveraging Trivium Point Advisory?

Dramatically reduce complexity by having an entire office dedicated to: Business, accounting, and personal finances for you and your employees

Do I have to part with my existing relationships to work with Trivium Point Advisory?

Of course not. Our role is to partner with the existing people in your world.

What is Trivium Point Advisory’s role in the company?

We are typically introduced as a resource to members of the team, with clear lines of communication to the owners.

Does Trivium Point Advisory work with our staff as well?

If the original objectives require us too, but we rely on the owners to position us where needed